Project Description
Llano Estacado Relief Route
N.M.P. TPO-4301(1)
The NMDOT entered into a joint powers agreement with the City of Clovis and Curry County to design Llano Estacado Boulevard with the City of Clovis acting as lead agent. Llano Estacado serves as the primary relief route from the north and northeast areas of Clovis to Cannon Air Force Base and destinations west. Communication and coordination with all four agencies (including the FHWA) was a key element to the successful completion of this project. The existing road consisted of two 11’ lanes without shoulders; the completed design typical section included two miles of five-lane roadway with curb and gutter and storm drainage, with the remaining five miles constructed as a rural section two lanes with wide shoulders. This project was designed and constructed in accordance with Federal aid and AASHTO design standards.
This project encompassed a wide range of components. A thorough alignment study and R.O.W. feasibility was conducted with complete public participation. Archaeological and environmental studies were prepared in conjunction with the scoping phase. A major drainage study was prepared and coordinated with the City of Clovis Master Drainage Plan. This coordination involved the reprioritization of specific drainage improvements in the Master Plan having a direct impact on this project. A unique aspect of this project was the design of a 13.5’ reinforced embankment that utilized geotextile fabric within the embankment to provide slope stability.
The following list identifies specific elements completed by Pettigrew & Associates.
- Alignment Study
- Right of Way Feasibility and Mapping
- Archaeological Study and Environmental Assessment
- Geotechnical Investigation and Pavement Design
- Capacity Analysis and Intersection Analysis
- Drainage Study and Analysis
- Photogrammetry
- Preliminary and Final Scoping Report
- Roadway Design for Rural and Urban Sections
- Signalization Design and Intersection Design
- Roadway Lighting Design
- Slope Stabilization Design Using Geo-Grid Textile Fabric
- Urban and Rural Storm Drainage Design