Project Description
The Center of Recreational Excellence (CORE) is a groundbreaking facility serving as a collaboration between
an unprecedented six public and private organizations. The facility houses numerous meeting areas, an indoor
soccer field, a multiuse indoor court, an indoor lap pool that meets NAIA, NCAA, and high school regulations,
an indoor therapy pool with 1,100 sq. ft. of water surface area, an indoor track that wraps around the inside of
the facility, and an indoor recreational pool with 3,300 sq. ft. of water surface area and features the tallest water
slide in the state of New Mexico. Pettigrew & Associates provided civil design, survey, materials testing and
construction administration for the facility that opened in June 2018. Specifically, services included geotechnical
investigation; site demolition plan; utility coordination; water, fire loop and hydrant design; grading plans; asphalt
pa ing systems; curb and gutter design; horizontal control plans; site grading and drainage plans; paving plan;
utility plan; construction administration; LEED compliance; SWPPP; subdivision survey; topographic survey, asbuilt
survey and special inspections.